


Economic Principles Part 1. Twelve Key Elements of Economics

The source material for each principle in this summary is drawn directly from Common Sense Economics. Below, I outline twelve key principles from the book,...

On Self-Actualization

I describe self-actualization as the realization of one’s full potential. This is the highest form of achievement according to my personal philosophy. Self-actualization is largely...

Finding Purpose

In a prior blog post, I outlined the broad principles that guide my life. Drawing upon Maslow’s hierarchy of needs as a template, I identified...

Health Optimization Principle 5 - Stress

There are generally two ways I think about stress. Acute stress, a stressor that occurs over a relatively short period of time and can be...

Health Optimization Principle 4 - Environment

Possibly one of the most underrated influences on our health and performance is the environment we interact with on a regular basis. From the air...

Health Optimization Principle 3 – Exercise

The concept of exercise seems to have been born from an attempt to combat the effects of our modern agrarian lifestyle. Our ancestors didn’t run...

Health Optimization Principle 2 – Nutrition

If I had to offer one label that succinctly describes the way I eat, “animal-based paleo” comes the closest. In simple terms, paleo encompasses meat,...

A Brief Sketch of My Principles

Given the importance of my personal philosophy to this blog, I want to provide a brief sketch of the broad principles that guide my life...

Health Optimization Principle 1 - Sleep

I’ve outlined my principles for maximizing quality sleep, providing supplemental information when appropriate.

On Minimalism

As a kid, I often spent time thinking about what my adult life would look like. In my typical fantasy...
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