

On Self-Actualization

I describe self-actualization as the realization of one’s full potential. This is the highest form of achievement according to my personal philosophy. Self-actualization is largely attained through the development and repeated execution of beneficial mental models over time. Mental models are simply the framework we use to process information and make informed decisions. If proper health and a sense of purpose provide the foundation for personal achievement, like deposits in a bank account, self-actualization can be likened to the interest rate earned. The better your mental models, the higher the interest rate and thus the ability to reach your full potential.

The ability to reflect and adapt is the primary ingredient of effective mental models. Without this ability, the individual would go about life randomly, approaching each situation like a new experience even if it isn’t. The result is often the persistence of maladaptive behaviors and hard to come by success in one’s goals. But if we look at situations with an ability to reflect on our past, over time we realize that certain actions tend to yield consistently positive results. A mental model can then be created. For example, we’ve all been faced with the prospect of something too good to be true. It’s likely that the first time we encountered this situation, we naively thought we were the beneficiaries of dumb luck. Inevitably the scam reveals itself and we vow never to fall victim again. A mental model emerges: if it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

It’s important to note that self-actualization encompasses more than just our cognitive abilities. It extends to our social, emotional, and physical well-being too. Furthermore, both positive and negative experiences help drive our mental models. As we navigate through these experiences, we gradually compile a diverse set of strategies that either promote positive behaviors or help to avoid damaging behaviors. With consistent execution of our mental models, we maximize our chances of forging the best outcomes in pursuit of our goals.  


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